Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Divya Samaj Ka Nirman (DSN)

A society is a reflection of its individuals ,and the DSN empowers an individual to contribute positively to his (or her) society.

Divya Samaj ka Nirman (DSN) literally means "Creating a Divine society"

If you've ever asked your self,

"What can i do to make this world a better place ?"

then DSN is your awnser

What is D S N
In a discourse on Bhagavad Gita Guru Ji has said that there are two types of people in this world – Passive and Aggressive.
Passive are those who don’t
do anything and don’t get involved in any thing.
Aggressive – they do anything (legal, illegal, right, wrong) to achieve whatever they want.. Sooner
or later, both find their hands empty- both feel failure.
The Gita says: “Dynamism with Calmness.”
That serenity, which is proactive,
is what is needed;
it is what would be the right solution to any problem.

But how to get the Dynamism with Calmness in one's life, the only one way which has been experienced by thousands of people around the world is “DSN Course”.

Many of us live in the world of dreams and aspirations. Aspiring to be somebody that you always wanted to be. Dreams, of achieving something big. Will they remain just dreams? Will aspirations die a slow death because of inhibitions and barriers around us? Give life to your dreams.. Give momentum to your aspirations. – DSN is the door to "MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY AND YOUR ASPIRATIONS A POSSIBILITY "

There is no bigger competition in this world for you than – YOURSELF!
Feelings of being inferior to someone, Shy to open up and speak your mind, fear of obstacles on the path - ALL THESE EXISTS WITHIN US. NOT OUTSIDE.

How to get rid of this monkey off our back?? How do we boldly walk away from the demon of inhibitions and obstacles that block our way to fulfilling our dreams.Answer is

DSN is not just about creating a divine society. Remember each and every one of us either make or break this society. DSN makes you much stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.

Bid goodbye to all your mental blocks.. Awaken the sleeping lion within you.

Remember Guruji's says – "Virtues that you admire in others are there in each one of us. We just need to realize it and nurture them "..

Nurture your Virtues through the DSN. DO THE DSN NOW ! ! !

AN EXCERPT FROM LORD MACAULAY'S ADDRESS TO THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT "I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief, such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and ,therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own,they will lose their selfesteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

We are still following the British policies.Chapters on Spritualism have been removed from our Text Books in the name of Secularism and we the people are silent ...!Its our duty to take responsibility ....! Spread Spritualism ...our cultural Heritage ...! and now it is very easy through Art of Living Course

for Experiences of of Basic Course Participants Click here

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